On A Mission INC is not a division of Greater European Mission, L'Arcada Camp, nor Kenya Gather. These are current missions we are helping to grow.
Currently we work in Spain and Kenya. In Spain we work with the L'Arcada Camp Ministry, specifically with establishing the first American Football field in Spain. In Kenya we work in Siala where we desire to improve their medical clinic and in the Turkwell region to provide humanitarian aid and education.
The site of the "American" Football field at the L'Arcada Christian camp in Sant Miguel de Campmajor, Spain. A rocky dirt patch for now, a beautiful, well watered grass field will one day be here. We have raised $50,000 of the approximately $250,000 to make it reality.
To donate to this project (Directly to Greater European Mission not OAM INC) Click Here
Rented field
This field is nice but it isn't ours. The villiage of Sant Miguel de Campmajor has been great to work with but we need a home that we don't have to bus down the mountain every practice.
L'Arcada Camp Ministry English website Spanish website
Spain is a country in great spiritual need. Less than 1% of the population is evangelical Christian, the lowest percentage for Spanish speaking countries. Spain leads Europe in drug addiction, AIDS, and abortion. Humanism, secularism, and agnosticism are widely embraced ideologies in Spain.
L’Arcada’s Mission is to create a special environment by hosting camps during the summer where people hear, see, and experience Jesus Christ. There are both flag and tackle football camps. This a unique experience for the Spaniards who are eager to learn American Football.
While blessed with a beautiful campus, the L’Arcada camp is lacking a functioning football field. There is a beautiful piece of land waiting to be developed. With your generous donations, this dream can become a reality. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the construction of L’Arcada’s own American football field, which will be the first in the region.
Future field
The site of the future field is on the camp property next to the basketball/volleyball courts. It is a gorgeous setting for a football stadium. This will be the only field in Spain initially built for American football and will be the home field for Catalonian (this region) American Football.
Siala, Kenya Medical Clinic
Plans to make this current clinic into a clean, staffed, and effective clinic.
Clinic needs include:
Paid Staff. Currently the clinic is run by 1 paid nurse, a 2nd volunteer nurse, and a receptionist. OAM is currently paying the salary of the volunteer nurse at $300/mo.
Medical equipment & supplies. They have very little. Any expired or extra medical equipment/supplies can be donated.
Funds to build a private medical facility on a new property.
Additional needs in Kenya:
Feeding program. These children are malnourished due to a diet solely consisting of carbohydrates.
The women and children of the Kaaron village in the West Pokot region, many of whom are widows because of tribal fighting, suffer from a critical lack of food, medicine, and education.
School Fees. Girls are particularly vulnerable to dropping out of school and being married off at a young age due to families' inability to afford school fees. Selling them for a dowry helps support the family and reduces their expenses.